Tuesday, 27 January 2015


It is extremely  astounding to witness  the uncanny changes taking place in today’s scenario due to the “technolicious”  augment

The other day I was scrolling the facebook posts when I suddenly came across something as weird as “my boyfriend broke my favorite shoe!” What was even more weird was the fact is that it got around 30 likes and 15 comments, all of them trying to figure out who that stupid guy was! Another bizarre thing was a click of the eyebrows  with a caption: “My first time threading job” ( I wonder if she was more interested in showing the pimples on her forehead!).  Boys are no less. I mean though  I have a very few guy friends online still I have ‘heard’ about those cheesy online proposals that are sent by random guys to random girls with pics of their new haircut entitled “This is for you baby” and the girl sending back an emoticons of hugs and kisses. Now that’s the height of stupidity! I was prodded to write this article after such observations!

Today, the techno-savvy world has ruptured all the boundaries  dumping us into an illogical space where we are unable to rationally analyze the pursuits of life. Undoubtedly technology is a great tool but only as long as it is not misused ,forget about misuse, till the time technology(particularly socially networking sites )are not nonsensically applied , its fine. But the day it starts capturing your life and persuades you to publicize your private moments just to seek some unnecessary attention of some unimportant people, you’ve had it!

I would like to admit that I myself post hundreds of posts and pictures quite often and I am an active ‘facebookian’ but at the same time I am far from those irritable stuff that fill fb walls like pics of huge eyes, lips, bums getting 200 likes! Posts like“I am eating sushi, I am drinking wine, I am listening , sleeping ,dying, crying, lying , faking etc. etc. etc. ( the last 2 are quite evident ). It has become as if, if you don’t post pictures or details online the event didn’t happen!( we currently saw some people clicking photos at the newly erected Ram Jhulla when  my dad asked: Is that their new profile pic. LOL !). If we continue like this, in no time we would reach a point where people would start posting : I am having a bath, combing my hair, searching my scarf or I am in the loo! Are events like relationships, heart-breaks, patch-ups so trivial that a post is enough to define it! I am sorry but I disagree. I mean sharing your joy and pain is a totally different issue but publicizing it to gain sympathy and attention? How is it justified? Do you think love of a person can be grasped through the number of likes and comments one gives you on a photo? I don’t think so. ( those irritating posts such as: HIT LIKE IF YOU LOVE YOUR MOTHER, COMMENT IF YOU HAVE FAITH IN GOD. Absolute nonsense!). And what about writing RIPs on the walls of the dead. What sense does it make? Do you think life is so insignificant that writing three words that to which are inaccessible to that person will suffice. I would choose to close my eyes and pray for the soul  for 30 seconds rather than posting an insensitive post which takes around 15 minutes without doing any good to the deceased.

Coming to the Whatssapians and Hike(ians) . Recently I went to the Gurudware where the prayer was on and beside me a lady was busy typing her whatsapp status :”Reciting Ardaas in Gurudware”, after seeing this I remembered one more incident a few weeks back when I visited a temple , inside which a girl was sitting texting to his boyfriend “ Sweet heart meet me in the temple”( I wonder if she was planning to marry!) I saw that because I was again sitting beside her! I can’t wait for the time when we would be sitting at home and sending whatsapp messages to God! (He soon needs to arrange a Wifi or else he’ll have to pay exceedingly high bills! And about Hike, well its stickers are enough. It amuses me as to how the Hike inventors came to know about our freak language usages, to make those awful stickers!( Great job :p) while those targetting status’ on such social networking sites seem to be the most convenient  way to retaliate for the insults in the past! ( extremely funny).

Reaching at the end point of this article I am keen to question the purpose of techno-social sites, it was definitely not to save our time, neither was it to help us get social( How many of you chat to unknown people online, hardly any.) But wait ,  I have got an answer. These sites are actually made to teach us the correct use of technology. It provides us a chance educate, alert, and reach out to a mass population , which could be beneficial for us in terms of voicing our opinions and sharing our views. Something like a e-movement could begin with the help of these sites when necessary Like popular(  TED talks, Aagaas Group, Yug Community etc.).  Ultimately everything has its pros and cons but the choice between them is ours! Surf Smart!

(This article is not  meant to offend somebody and it completely based on general observations.)


  1. Excellent.!! :D Truly describes today's situation.!! :P


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    1. hey! thanks a lot! M humbled :)
      I read d rules,
      wud send u d answers ASAP :)
